Friday, August 19, 2011

101 Domains Domain Information Update ".pt" domains.

European domains: Portugal (.pt)

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Portugese domain type, ie. “pt”. Therefore to search “” enter “101domains” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.


To register your Portugese domain, click here!

Once the domain is registered

All Portugese domain names registered with us are stored on our international server. Domains registered with us are automatically provided with their own under-construction page - this notifies potential registrants that the name has been acquired and is now registered. The under-construction page is offered free of charge and may be used indefinitely.

It is possible for Web and/or Mail forwarding to be provided for Portugese domains.

Domain transfer/release fees are charged are by a majority of registrars, but 101 Domains make no charge to transfer a domain to another Portugese domain name registrar.


The following second level domains are currently availiable: Domain names under can be registered by different entities that compose the structure of the Government of the Portuguese Republic. Domains under may be registered by electronic communication providers The domain name must coincide with the name in the ANACOM registry. (Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações) Non profit organisations can register the sub domain "" though it must coincide with the owners name or with an acronym or an abbreviation of it. The subdomain name may also correspond to the name of actions, current projects developed or to develop, by the owner of the sub domain. Domains under may be registered by public teaching establishments or the owners of private or cooperative teaching establishments. Domains under may be registered by all international organizations and diplomatic representations duly registered at the Registo Nacional de Pessoas Colectivas (the Portuguese National Registry for Collective Entity). Domains under may be registered by the owners of periodical publications, please note that they have to be registered at the ICS (Instituto da Comunicação Social) The is no restriction to the nature of the owners of domains under but note that once registerd the domains are not transmissible; therefore its ownership may not be transferred to another entity. Domains under may be registered any one who is a bearer of a Portuguese identity card, though the bearer need to have a valid residence authorization title. In order to register a name under the following rule needs to be obeyed, Two or more names of the names indicated in the identity card or title of residence of the requester, one of which must be a surname. Though the name may be an acronym or abbreviation unless this composition creates an already given name or a last name. Please note that the name of the sub domain should coincide with the denomination of the owner or acronym of it, or with the name of projects or actions by it developed or to develop or with abbreviation.

International domain names from 101 Domains since 1997

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