Tuesday, June 14, 2011

101 Domains Domain Information Update ".se" domains.

European domains: Sweden (.se)

Important: When entering your search string don't write “www” or the Swedish domain type, ie. “se”. Therefore to search “www.101domains.se” enter “101domains” and nothing else.

The only letters allowed within a domain name are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.


To register your Swedish domain, click here!

Once the domain is registered

All Swedish domain names registered with us are stored on our international server. Domains registered with us are automatically provided with their own under-construction page - this notifies potential registrants that the name has been acquired and is now registered. The under-construction page is offered free of charge and may be used indefinitely.

It is possible for Web and/or Mail forwarding to be provided for Swedish domains.

Domain transfer/release fees are charged are by a majority of registrars, but 101 Domains make no charge to transfer a domain to another Swedish domain name registrar.


.se is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sweden.

The top domain is operated by IFF (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation), but domains must be registered through one of the approved registrars. ".se" is a foundation and is managed on the basis of its charter of foundation and its statutes. The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors, whose decisions are executed by the executive management. In 2006, a new Chairman of the Board, Rune Brandinger, and a new CEO, Danny Aerts, took office.

Prior to April 2003, the rules governing domains under the ".se" top domain were highly restrictive. Only companies, associations and authorities registered nation-wide were allowed to register a domain, and it had to be very similar to the registered name. Individual products were not eligible for separate domain names, even if they were registered trademarks. Individuals could register one (and only one) domain with the suffix ".pp.se" (pp is an abbreviation for "privatperson", "private person"), and companies and organizations registered in just a single county were eligible for domains with a ".se" suffix.

With the new rules, any entity or person may register any number of domains, subject to few restrictions. You may register whatever ".se" domain you want, as long as it is free, not in .se's Blocked or Reserved list. At the same time, the rules for domain name allocation were changed to the principle of first-come, first-served. More simple rules for dispute resolution were also created. As of October 2003, ".se" started accepting registrations of internationalized domain names, containing the letters å, ä, ö è and ü. On 6 September 2007, a total of 250 characters became available, supporting names in all of the legally recognized minority languages of Sweden: Finnish, Tornedalsfinska, Sami, Romany and Yiddish.

".se" is the first TLD to offer DNSSEC services. There are currently around 900.000 active domains in Sweden which means that there is 1 web pages on ever 10 people. A few hundred new web pages gets registered everyday.

Area: 449,964 km2

Population: 9,263,872 (2009)

GDP: $341.869 billion

International domain names from 101 Domains since 1997

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